
About Kho-Kho

Kho-Kho at CMR School, Kompally, is more than just a sport; it’s a vibrant part of our school culture, fostering teamwork, agility, and strategic thinking among students. This traditional Indian game, deeply rooted in our heritage, has found a prominent place in the extracurricular activities at CMR School, bringing students together in a spirited display of athleticism and camaraderie.

Our Kho-Kho team, comprising students from various grades, is a testament to our commitment to holistic development. Under the guidance of experienced coaches, our players master not only the technical skills required for the game but also imbibe life lessons in leadership, discipline, and perseverance. The school provides an excellent infrastructure for Kho-Kho, including a well-maintained playing field and ample practice sessions, ensuring our students get the best environment to hone their skills.

Participation in Kho-Kho at CMR School, Kompally, is highly encouraged as it complements academic pursuits by enhancing physical fitness and mental agility. Our team regularly competes in inter-school tournaments, showcasing their talent and bringing laurels to the school. These events are not only about competition but also about building a sense of community and sportsmanship among students. We take pride in our Kho-Kho team and are committed to nurturing the next generation of players who will carry forward this legacy with enthusiasm and excellence.

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